For the Luminaries here to do Great Work that makes a difference in the world
In the aftermath of 2020, after 20 years in the making through serving clients, culminating in 20 minutes of writing, in flow, I bring to you The Manifesto for prosperous living.
Gifted to you, to inspire your daily work and to serve as a reminder of your raison d'être. It takes courage, commitment and a deep well of determination to show up each day to work, in service, with unwavering purpose.
Guard this Manifesto close to your heart, to keep your fire burning. Keep the faith.

You have been born with a purpose,
That only you can do,
Better than anyone else in the world.
Your magic, channeled through service,
Enhances the lives of those that cross your path.
Through the mastery of your craft,
You attract the dance of prosperity,
From the luminosity of being,
In your flow.
When you commit to the path,
Clear-cut for you,
You get into your groove,
Igniting what was destined to be,
Lifting you up,
To new heights of unimagined possibility.
Defying gravity,
Through the gravitas of your Great Work.
Your Medicine,
Awakens the ones you serve,
To Remember.
Hold steady, to fan the flames,
Of Sacred Hearts, again,
To Rise Up.
Formidable. Brilliant. Resplendent.
Grounded in the Truth,
Of being Oneself,
Freely in the presence of others.
All for One and One for All.
Creating Heaven on Earth.
Oh! How wonderful!
To come home.
To where you belong.
Frea O'Brien, My Numerologist